Women of Purpose (Facebook Cover) (880 × 185 px) (880 × 186 px)
The Quest Bible Study
January 11th – March 22nd
Every other week
7:00pm – 8:30pm
women's bible study (280 × 280 px) (280 × 210 px)
Comfort an Joy Sewing Ministry
This ministry is a group that makes layettes for Richland Pregnancy Services and makes adult bibs and fidget blankets for patients at nursing homes. They meet on the first and third Wednesday of each month. The first Wednesday from 9:00am – 12:00pm and the third Wednesday from 5:30pm – 8:30pm.
Feed My Sheep
Church sisters show their love by providing meals for those sick in body, heart, and soul. This ministry also provides a funeral dinner for the family of one of our church family.
Chair Aerobics
This group of ladies meet on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:00am to do chair aerobics. Chair aerobics consists of stretching, strengthening, and balance activities. All exercises occur in sitting or standing positions. 
Breakfast Bunch
All ladies are welcome to join us for breakfast and fellowship. Watch the bulletin for details on when and where we will meet.